Integrative Therapy Glasgow.

Integrative Therapy combines elements from various types of therapeutic intervention. It allows the therapist to assess an individual's cognitive, behavioural, and psychological systems before determining the best combination of approaches.

We have deep expertise in Integrative Therapy at MAPP Psychology and we’d love to work with you to find your own path.

Start your journey with a free Integrative Therapy consultation today.

Integrative Therapy at MAPP Psychology, Glasgow

Each of our psychologists is fully trained and qualified, bringing a wealth of experience to the table. They take the time to really listen, and to gain a deep understanding of your specific needs before anything else. They will work with you to make practical real life changes that help you move into a happier, healthier place.

  • Integrative Therapy combines elements from various types of therapeutic intervention. It allows the therapist to assess an individual's cognitive, behavioural, and psychological systems before determining the best combination of approaches. The types of therapy that are combined are dependent on the expertise of the practising therapist, yet some interventions are more commonly associated with this approach. Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), transactional analysis, and person-centred therapy (PCT) are some disciplines often used during integrative therapy.

    The reason why integrative therapy has become a popular practice is because of its flexibility. There are many different models of integration that all serve different purposes. For a professionally trained therapist, this means they can interchange integrative models to the direct needs of a client. For instance, one client may need a more action-oriented form of counselling while another may benefit from a form of therapy that closely analyses the unconscious.

  • Making the first step into the therapy process is arguably the most difficult. It is not easy to discuss personal difficulties and trauma with people that you are unfamiliar with. However, at MAPP Psychology we’ve created a friendly and hospitable environment that looks to make the therapeutic process as easy as possible. Our therapy centre is accessible for all, and we are here to help with any problems you may have, no matter how big, or small they may seem. Whether you are new to counselling or have experience in therapy, MAPP Psychology will support you through the process.

    Our professional therapists and counsellors are trained to offer you the most suitable services. All our therapeutic interventions are supported by empirical evidence and have been practised with success. After initial assessments, you will be advised on the best treatments available from our centre. Our therapists may decide that integrative therapy is the best option moving forward, or they may conclude that another approach will be more helpful. Whichever treatment plan is chosen, you can be fully assured that it is done with your best interests at heart. Once you begin your path in therapy, you will develop coping mechanisms that can sustain your improved state of mental well-being long after you have finished your official therapy period. Undertaking therapy must be viewed as a process of growth, and we want to be with you every step of the way.

  • Integrative Therapy will give you a new perspective on your life and self-image. It’s a highly individualised approach, meaning the solutions offered will be directly related to you.

    After your therapy here at MAPP Psychology, you will be able to respond to behavioural patterns understand your position in the world more effectively. In short, Integrative Therapy looks to create a fully integrated person that is more receptive to the people and world they live in. If Integrative Therapy sounds like it could benefit your life, then we are ready to accept you into the therapeutic process. Seeking out therapy should be considered an achievement, and we’d love to support you on your journey.