Take your first steps towards a brighter future with our expert psychologists at MAPP.

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You can also reach us via hello@mapp-psychology.com and 020 4600 5600

Welcome to MAPP Psychology.

We are a modern psychology practice focused on making it simple to access the highest standards of therapy on the market.

We’ve made it easy to access support when you need it through our online booking system.

We only hire the most qualified, passionate and professional psychologists.

We specialise in the tools you need to draw your own map, and to navigate towards a happier, healthier life.

One to one therapy overview.

At MAPP Psychology, our approach to one to one therapy is designed to provide personalised, effective support tailored to each individual's unique needs and preferences.

Our team of specialist psychologists are highly trained in a variety of therapeutic modalities, including Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Compassion Focused Therapy (CFT) and Person Centered Therapy. This diverse expertise allows us to draw from a rich array of evidence-based techniques to address a wide range of psychological difficulties.

We recognise that every person is different, and we take a case by case approach - carefully considering each individual's personal history, presenting issues, and therapeutic preferences. By integrating our comprehensive training in multiple therapeutic approaches, we are able to develop customised treatment plans that are responsive to the evolving needs of our clients.

We are committed to giving our clients the support and tools they need to build towards a happier, healthier life.

Sessions start at £95 with a fully trained therapist and £130 with one of our fully qualified expert psychologists.

Expertise across a range of symptoms

At MAPP Psychology we have years of experience making a positive difference to people dealing with a vast range of symptoms, some of which are listed below. Each of our psychologists is fully trained and qualified, and will take the time to really listen, and to gain a deep understanding of your specific needs before anything else.

  • If you suffer from anxiety, you will understand how difficult it is to seek help. When you are struggling with excessive worry or pains in your chest, you can feel like the weight of the world is on top of you. At MAPP Psychology we acknowledge the challenges anxiety imposes, and we have prioritised creating a hospitable environment so you can start treatment without further worry. Our safe and inclusive therapy centre welcomes people from all walks of life. No matter how small your concern may seem, we are open to discussing a programme that can help you approach therapy with confidence. Whether you are new to therapy or have existing experience in counselling, you can be assured of a positive experience at MAPP Psychology.

    Our professional therapists will guide you toward the completion of a programme that is tailored to your needs. After an initial consultation, we will match you with a course that has your interests at heart. All our therapeutic interventions are supported by strong empirical evidence and have been proven to work. Our aim at MAPP Psychology is to provide you with the skills to maintain an improved state of well-being long after you leave therapy. The skills you will learn will help you communicate better with your loved ones and live a life free of unnecessary worry.

    Many forms of therapy help with GAD. Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and dialectical behavioural therapy (DBT) will teach you how to be proactive with your anxiety. The promotion of mindfulness will help you reason with yourself, and interventions like transactional analysis will give you a better understanding of how you interact with other people. Whatever course of therapy is recommended, we will be there every step of the way toward a positive outcome. Admitting you need help is often the hardest part of the journey, and at MAPP Psychology we want you to start making better decisions for your future. If you struggle with any form of anxiety, then it is time to reach out and seek help.

  • At MAPP Psychology, we understand that it is difficult to approach therapy when you are not motivated. One of the major effects of depression is a lack of desire to do anything considered positive. Coming into our therapy centre to seek treatment might initially feel overwhelming, but we have prioritised making it a comfortable environment so you can begin with a treatment programme. Our psychology centre welcomes all walks of life, and we are here to attend to your needs, no matter how small they may seem. Whether you are new to therapy or have existing experience with psychological counselling, you can be assured of a friendly environment at MAPP Psychology.

    Our professional therapists offer interventions that are rooted in strong empirical evidence. All our programmes have been proven to work effectively with depression and other psychological disorders. After an initial assessment, you will be advised on a therapeutic course that best fits your needs. Once you are underway with your programme, you will begin to cultivate essential life skills that will help you maintain an improved state of wellbeing. A major aim for all our patients at MAPP Psychology is to equip them with the tools to continue monitoring their mental health long after they have finished their treatment programme.

    If you do suffer from a form of depression or have noticed the symptoms associated with depression, then we are ready to support you. Some of our treatment programmes include cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), person-centred therapy (PCT) and many different forms of integrated therapy. These courses will help you understand and acknowledge the state of your depression, meaning you can identify the potential causes with our expert psychologists. The time it takes to alleviate the symptoms of depression will depend on the course of therapy, but some results are found in all our programmes. You will become more open to change and opportunity, and with this, you will feel more connected to your relationships. In addition to an increase in openness, you will once again become motivated about life’s prospects. Taking the first step toward therapy is often the most difficult, and we know how hard it is to admit that you may need treatment. MAPP Psychology is here to start your journey to a better outlook on life.

  • Being low on confidence can impact your level of motivation. You may consistently tell yourself that you are disposable and offer no worth to the people or world around you. At MAPP Psychology, we realise how difficult these thoughts are and how much they impact your life. One of our priorities has been to create an environment that works toward the betterment of all our patients. Whether you have experience with psychological counselling or are completely new to the prospect, you can be assured of a network of people at our centre that have your interests in mind.

    All our therapeutic interventions are supported by strong empirical evidence. The professional therapists that run our programmes will initially assess your needs and put you on a course that will benefit you in the long term. Once you enrol, you will begin developing the skills to better manage your self-perception. As you progress through therapy, your sense of self will improve, as will your mental wellbeing. The skills you gain during your programme will equip you with the skills to make choices to increase your self-esteem. At MAPP Psychology we want you to succeed in your relationships and endeavours.

    Treatment for self-esteem and a low sense of self-worth is usually action-oriented. Therapies like CBT will help you observe your current state, allowing you to implement decisions to improve your life. Other interventions, such as acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), will help you acknowledge issues that may be out of your control. This is particularly important for self-worth issues as it will enable you to focus on the matters you have power over. Whichever programme is chosen for you, therapy will grant you space and time to think about how you benefit the world. As your self-image changes, so will your confidence. Looking ahead toward the future is often difficult when you are occupied with other thoughts, but taking that first step into therapy will help you understand your worth. MAPP Psychology believes in your potential, and we are ready to support you through your journey.

  • When you are under pressure, it can feel like the odds are stacked against you. In these moments, it may seem that you cannot get a break to yourself. Stress can change how your life looks and feels, and at MAPP Psychology we understand how difficult it can be in these times to remain positive. We have prioritised creating a friendly environment so you can approach our services without hassle. Our centre is inclusive and accepts people from all walks of life. Whether you are new to therapy or have existing experience with psychological counselling, you can build a network with us with your needs in mind.

    Our professional therapists use proven methods that are supported by strong empirical evidence. After an initial assessment, you will be enrolled in a programme that matches your requirements. Once you progress through therapy, you will begin developing skills to help you manage psychological issues like stress. One of our aims is to provide our patients with the tools to maintain a positive state of mental well-being long after they have left the therapeutic process. Therapy will help you control your stress, meaning you can invest more energy into yourself and your loved ones.

    If you have suffered from prolonged stress, then it is time to move toward therapy. Interventions like cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and dialectical behavioural therapy (DBT) will allow you to take an action-based approach to any stress you suffer. With these forms of talking therapies, you can strategise ways to manage your emotions better and understand what is outside of your control. Other therapies like mindfulness can help you sustain a state of presence. Whichever programme is chosen, you can be assured that MAPP Psychology will work with you through your difficulties. The first step toward therapy is often the hardest, and we want to make this as easy as possible. We are ready to build a brighter future with you.

  • Losing a loved one can be one of the most difficult times in anyone’s life. The bond you shared with them and the relationship you had are hard to process on your own. Any moment you attempt to reflect on your time with them, you may find it overwhelming. At MAPP Psychology we understand how challenging it is to discuss the loss, and we have created a safe environment that is welcoming for people from all walks of life. No matter how recent the grief may be, we will offer you a support network where you can talk about your problems free of guilt. Whether you are new to therapy or have experience with psychological counselling, you can be assured of a space where you can express yourself.

    Our professional therapists proscribe programmes that have been corroborated by strong empirical evidence. All the courses we offer have been proven to be effective on various mental health issues, and we tailor our programmes to a patient’s personal needs. After an initial consultation, you will be advised to undertake a therapy that matches your best interests. Once you are enrolled on a course, you begin developing the skills to talk about your loss. In addition, you will learn to acknowledge the part grief plays in your life. Our aim at MAPP Psychology is to provide you with the knowledge to maintain a sense of self long after you have left therapy. The communication methods you equip with us will enable you to sustain better relationships with your loved ones.

    If you have lost someone close to your heart, it might be the time to consider therapy. We offer courses such as person-centred therapy (PCT) and compassion-focused therapy (CFT), which will allow you to go through the grief process with support. Other interventions like mindfulness can aid you in being present with the bereavement. Whichever programme is offered, you will be with people who know how difficult this moment in your life is. Taking that first step toward a counselling centre is often the most difficult one. We want you to be with us during this time of loss, and we are ready to help you talk about your relationships freely again.

  • We offer therapy and support for many more causes of mental health difficulties and will always prioritise building a deep understanding of you and the challenges you face before tailoring a programme of therapy to fit.

    We are ready to help.

Specialists in key therapeutic approaches

At MAPP Psychology we have years of training and deep experience with the full range of therapeutic approaches, some of which are listed below. We will consider the uniqueness of each client and their circumstances before tailoring a customised treatment plan that is responsive to each client’s evolving needs.

  • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is a behavioural therapy that helps people problem-solve. It reveals the relationship between beliefs, thoughts, feelings and the behaviours that follow.

    CBT is one of the most common forms of psychological counselling. It relies on the communication of cognitive distortions such as thoughts, beliefs, and attitudes between the client and therapist. CBT is so effective because it looks to challenge the emotional responses of an individual that stem from the distortions listed. As a result, the client can begin to develop and improve upon coping strategies that will help them solve present life difficulties.

    In contrast to psychotherapy, CBT does not focus on the unconscious meaning that lies behind thoughts and behaviours. Instead, CBT is an action-oriented form of counselling that looks to identify strategies that may alleviate symptoms of a cognitive disorder. CBT is often used in conjunction with other forms of therapy, but various academic studies have shown that it is effective as a stand-alone treatment. CBT is commonly used to alleviate depression, anxiety, substance abuse, and eating disorders.

  • ACT is an action-oriented therapy that uses concepts from Buddhism aimed at matching a patient’s behaviours with their values.

    To achieve the marriage between the two, ACT uses mindfulness strategies to help a patient understand what is within their control. Clients undertaking ACT are encouraged to observe their surroundings and asked to contemplate the presence of themself in relation to their observations.

    ACT has become a popular form of treatment because it cultivates psychological flexibility. Rather than focus on reducing unwanted thoughts and behaviours, the client is asked instead to think about the development of these factors alongside the course of their life. Clients undertaking a course of ACT report higher receptivity to the idea of the present moment, allowing them to move toward value-oriented behaviours.

  • PCT is a talking therapy in which the client will have the opportunity to self-reflect on life scenarios they would not usually think over.

    It is a form of psychotherapy developed primarily in the 1950s by the groundbreaking psychoanalyst Carl Rogers.

    The reason why PCT is so effective is that it relies on three core conditions. The first is congruence which advocates transparency of the therapist. Secondly, there must be a state of unconditional positive regard from the therapist toward the client. A therapist offering unconditional positive regard will sit and attentively listen to the problems of a client without unneeded interruption. The final condition that must be present is empathy, and this is essential for a client as it will help them communicate freely.

  • The central aim of CFT is to provide people with ways to engage with challenging circumstances that may have impacted confidence.

    CFT was developed by the British psychologist Paul Gilbert and it teaches the cognition skills that regulate punitive emotions like anger, anxiety, and guilt. CFT is so effective because it integrates the teachings of CBT, evolutionary psychology, and other concepts to help people develop compassionate ways of thinking.

    In order to be successful, CFT relies upon a strong developmental relationship between a therapist and client and an understanding of one’s own emotional state. CFT promotes resilience and openness and has proven to be helpful for treating mood disorders and reducing forms of depression.

  • Emotion-focused therapy (EFT) is an integrative form of psychotherapy that has been proven helpful for treating relationship-related issues.

    EFT includes methods of person-centred therapy (PCT) and gestalt therapy. In addition to this combination, EFT applies the knowledge of attachment theory. The purpose of EFT is to focus on human needs connected to emotional responses. Patients undertaking EFT are encouraged to engage with the emotions they feel during treatment and asked to identify the people or stimuli to which the emotions are connected to.

    Patients in EFT treatment report being able to adjust their emotional associations. EFT looks to analyse a patient’s attachment style and affectional bonds. Couples, families, friends, and even work colleagues have benefited from taking a course of EFT as the therapy results in a better emotional understanding between two parties. Patients who suffer from anxiety-related issues or problems with avoidance may be recommended to undertake EFT treatment.

  • Our expert psychologists have experience with many more approaches including Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT), Exposure Therapy, Gestalt Therapy, Integrative Therapy, Schema Therapy, Transactional Analysis Therapy (TA), Mindfulness and many more.

Our commitment.

At MAPP Psychology, we believe in treating each person as a unique individual. Our handpicked team of doctorate level psychologists take the time to really listen, and to gain a deep understanding of your specific needs.

They specialise in building strong, purposeful relationships - working with you to develop practical steps and real world solutions to help you move forward on a positive & healthy path.

Our Reputation.

We’ve been delivering the highest standards of therapy for more than 5 years. Here are some of the things our clients have said about us.

I would highly recommend the MAPP team, especially if you’re someone who hasn’t had experience with therapy beforehand.
Could not recommend higher. Always super friendly, professional and Fraser makes you feel at ease the moment you start talking to him. Would give six stars if I could!
Very professional and helpful team, Fraser helped me when dealing with loss of family members due to cancer and also provided guidance when dealing with other personal challenges. Have recommended him to other men and they have also been grateful to him for his support.
Friendly and professional. Always helpful, attentive and caring.
My whole experience with MAPP was professional and incredibly helpful. From the booking process to working with my psychologist. The whole process was brilliant.
I have found the therapy offered by MAPP very helpful and the counsellor to be engaging and supportive.
Excellent space to reflect and receive professional and empathetic support - I highly recommend to anyone still considering!
Fraser is a lovely guy who is very professional and compassionate and I can highly recommend.